Thursday, December 1, 2011

Back to Bl(ogging)ack!

I'm a terrible blogger, I know! So sorry! Just kidding, I don't think anyone reads this, but just in case, hi mom!

The most dreaded time of year has arrived--FINALS. What better way to damper the Christmas spirit of approximately a billion and a half college kids than to make them take exams when it's a) winter b) dark out at 4 and c) after they've eaten enough turkey to knock out a giant? Cruel, right? On the other hand, 25 Days of Christmas programming is perfect for procrastination (why yes, I am watching The Santa Clause now; thanks for asking!).

Also perfect for procrastinating? Blogging. And making lists.

So here, for the first time in print EVER, are my patented calorie rules, guaranteed to make your diet 85% less effective but you 137% happier.

1. Yogurt pretzels don't count. (Yogurt is good for you & pretzels aren't bad for you, so no calories, obviously.)
2. If you share whatever you're eating/drinking with someone, they take all of the calories (this, of course, applies to them as well, so the calories disappear!)
3. Mochas never count.
4. Chocolate doesn't count on Wednesdays.
5. Anything consumed between 5 pm Friday and 3pm Sunday is calorie free.

(ETA #6! How could I forget?! Thanks to the ever diligent Court for reminding me of the most important calorie rule!)

6. Nothing has calories if eaten in pairs (I'm looking at you sour gummy worms & oreos!).

See? They're simple! I have to run to watch Christmas movies and (maybe) write papers, but I have a feeling I'll be back soon...