Saturday, May 14, 2011

So, it has just come to my attention that in a mere 364 days, yours truly will be a college graduate. Whoa! Crazy, yeah?

This coming year is big for many reasons, including but not limited to:

1) Starting and (hopefully) completing an honors project
2) Not living in a dorm for the first time
3) Applying to grad schools, lots of stuff going on!

I just decided that I will post something--a recipe, a new band, dorky honors student research breakthroughs--every day, just because. This decision was, of course, made at the beginning of the summer when I have absolutely nothing to do but surf the internet looking at other people's cool blogs, so I can't make any promises that this plan will stick past October, but from now until (at least) then, come hell or high water, I shall post!

So, starting off:

The fantastically catchy and absurdly short "Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra)" by the Vaccines

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